
Post Treatment Instructions

You have received Sculptra (Poly-L-Lactic-Acid). Sculptra prompts your body to start creating more collagen. This process gradually takes place, with results over the next three-six months. If this is your first treatment, you will likely need a repeat treatment within three months. Expect one vial of Sculptra yearly for maintenance. 


  • Massage the treated area for 5 minutes, 5 times per day, for 5 days after your treatment.

  • Within the first 24 hours of your treatment, apply an icepack or ice wrapped in a cloth (avoid putting ice directly on your skin) to the treatment area to help reduce swelling.

  • You may apply make-up a few hours after your Sculptra treatment if no complications are present (for example, open wounds or bleeding).

  • Avoid sun and UV sunlamp exposure until swelling and redness have disappeared. 

  • Report any worsening or longer-lasting signs or symptoms.

A few days after your treatment, you may look as you did before your treatment

  • This is normal and temporary

  •  Remember, Sculptra works gradually to replace lost collagen

Visible results appear within the first 1-2 treatment sessions

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